Foundation Repair Company | Londonderry, NH | Arta Foundation Repairs

Warning Signs of Foundation Trouble

Bowing Basement Walls

Bowed Basement Walls: What you need to know

The most common cause for foundation walls to bow is water buildup in the backfill surrounding your foundation. This can happen when gutters or downspouts are not installed properly, inproper grading of the land around your foundation or anything that causes water to run up against your foundation walls.

When water pressure builds up in the backfill the soil, clay and gravel swell creating pressure on your walls. The first indication is bowing, then cracking. If your home was build after 1980 you most likely have poured concrete walls. A diagonal crack starting along the top of your wall and angling back to the corner (think path of water) is a good indication you have a serious problem and should call a professional like Arta Foundation Repairs.

It's not too late! If you call Arta as soon as you start to see cracks, many times the walls can be saved. There are several options to alleviate pressure in the soil or provide additional support to the foundation.

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Why is my Settling Foundation Causing Bowing in the Basement?

Your foundation walls are surrounded by soil, that applies a large amount of pressure on your foundation. When rain and moisture soak into the soil, it causes the dirt and clay to expand, which then intensifies the pressure applied to your foundation walls. This added pressure, can then cause damage to those walls. Although water expansion is not the only factor in bowing basement walls, it is a leading cause.

Some of the other contributing factors include:

  • The type of soil around the foundation (rocky, clay, sandy, swampy, etc)
  • The amount of moisture present in the soil
  • How deep the foundation is dug underground
  • The climate

Interested in our foundation stabilization services? We’re here to help!

Don't wait until it's too late! Call us today: 603-306-9029

We are here for all of your residential or commercial bowing basement wall needs. Arta Foundation Repairs can help you catch foundation problems quickly, and remedy the problem for you.

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Basement Wall Stabilization in Londonderry, NH and surrounding areas

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